Magnetize Your Midlife Love Giveaway Opt-in
Grab your FREE Love Gifts!
Best 35 First Date Questions and 9 Exit Strategies Cheat Sheets
35 Great First Date Questions that makes meeting a man more fun and interesting and 9 Dating Strategy Exits for gracefully leaving when a date is not going well
Her-Gasmic Abundance - The Fine Art of Female Orgasm
Sheri’s fun and practical video class will help you learn the skills to expand women’s arousal and orgasm. You can use your breath, movement, imagery and sound to intensify focus, become utterly absorbed in sensation, and to surrender and relax into wave upon wave of orgasm. Whatever your orgasmic ability, this class will pump it up! Focuses on female orgasm but most of the techniques are recommended for men, too.
Her-Gasmic Abundance - The Fine Art of Female Orgasm
Sheri’s fun and practical video class will help you learn the skills to expand women’s arousal and orgasm. You can use your breath, movement, imagery and sound to intensify focus, become utterly absorbed in sensation, and to surrender and relax into wave upon wave of orgasm. Whatever your orgasmic ability, this class will pump it up! Focuses on female orgasm but most of the techniques are recommended for men, too.
Goodbye Body Shame, Hello Soulful Intimacy
Your Ideal Relationship Through the Eyes of Your Soul
Ready to feel the love you're longing for?

Unravel the mystery of what’s stopping love from entering your life and get ready to experience truly fulfilling relationships.

Embark on a journey towards your ideal relationship through the eyes of your Soul.
Your Ideal Relationships through the Eyes of Your Soul
Ready to feel the love you're longing for?

Unravel the mystery of what’s stopping love from entering your life and get ready to experience truly fulfilling relationships.

Embark on a journey towards your ideal relationship through the eyes of your Soul.
DAY PASS for Turn your Vision into Results
While you're growing your SELF-LOVE, how about some Business/Project LOVE too? 
Get Inspired, Focused and Into Action with an online day at:
’Turn Your Vision Into Results'
 with Mel Larsen, The Dream Project Coach
Start your day with a 60 minute Business Inspiration Workshop followed by Co-working Magic where you get your tasks done in timed blasts.
You’ll get way more done simply by being with others who are also focusing on results. 
Soulmate Ready: 3 Secrets to Get the Love You Want!
Download this FREE Guide and discover how to:
- Magnetize your perfect match
- Free yourself from unconscious patterns that prevent you from experiencing the love you want
- Create an authentic, loving, deeply satisfying relationship that lasts!

Soulmate Ready: 3 Secrets to Get the Love You Want!
Download this FREE Guide and discover how to:
- Magnetize your perfect match
- Free yourself from unconscious patterns that prevent you from experiencing the love you want
- Create an authentic, loving, deeply satisfying relationship that lasts!

Guide to Lasting Love: The Secure Path to Release Your Past Relationship Pain and Create the Love You Deserve
What if you could ask some of the world’s leading experts how to find lasting love? Dr. Gary Salyer shares the teachings of the best of the best including his own groundbreaking work - to help you find the love you deserve. These four to five-minute videos will introduce you to ways to find a relationship and keep it. And, if you are already coupled, you will learn ways to fall in love all over again with your partner.
Move, Groove + Meditate
A Free mini activation & creation practice from master energy & embodiment coach Katie Kozlowski. Learn how to connect with your own energetic power to create magic, miracles and momentum every single day! And get a taste of how energetics + embodiment can change your life one step at a time.
Move, Groove + Meditate
A Free mini activation & creation practice from master energy & embodiment coach Katie Kozlowski. Learn how to connect with your own energetic power to create magic, miracles and momentum every single day! And get a taste of how energetics + embodiment can change your life one step at a time.
10 Tips to Mindful Living  
Get back in touch with your inner KNOWING and  CONNECT with your FEMININE ESSENCE with these simple yet powerful "10 Tips for Mindful Living".
The words in this book will motivate you to welcome time for your self-love and nourishment in the most yummy easy and fun ways. A journey of self-discovery requires a state of curiosity and wonder, that this book will activate in you.
Embrace your soulful transformational journey by sitting with this mini e-book and allow your wellbeing expand and guide you!

10 Tips to Mindful Living  
Get back in touch with your inner KNOWING and  CONNECT with your FEMININE ESSENCE with these simple yet powerful "10 Tips for Mindful Living".
The words in this book will motivate you to welcome time for your self-love and nourishment in the most yummy easy and fun ways. A journey of self-discovery requires a state of curiosity and wonder, that this book will activate in you.
Embrace your soulful transformational journey by sitting with this mini e-book and allow your wellbeing expand and guide you!

How to Have a High Stakes Conversation
Do you get nervous before you have to have a high stakes conversation? Whether the person you’ll be talking with is your spouse, your boss, a team member, or one of your adult children…my technique will help you to be more clear.
Higher Self Beauty Blueprint
Experience radiant beauty from the inside out with a personalized journey designed to promote glowing skin and inner radiance.
This exquisite course is a powerful integration of energy work, intention setting, visualization exercises, proven skincare routines, and the formulation of super-conscious beauty rituals.
Code= juniemoon for 100% savings ($333)
Higher Self Beauty Blueprint
Experience radiant beauty from the inside out with a personalized journey designed to promote glowing skin and inner radiance.
This exquisite course is a powerful integration of energy work, intention setting, visualization exercises, proven skincare routines, and the formulation of super-conscious beauty rituals.
Code= juniemoon for 100% savings ($333)
Your Guide To Increase Self Confidence
Our levels of confidence play a huge part in how much we thrive in all aspects of our second half. This guide will give you insights, tips and actions you can take to feel more confident about yourself and your abilities right now. So you can thrive in the life you want and deeply deserve to have.
3 Keys to Transform Burnout into THRIVING
Feeling like your job and your life is a chore? - Learn to turn overwhelm into thriving - in your relationship and beyond...

...Using the practical "3 Keys to Turn Burnout into Thriving" guidebook for women leaders of their lives.

This guidebook is personalized for busy executive & rising leaders: be more calm, confident, and mentally clear as you sustain yourself in your search for your partner - without the overwhelm!
3 Keys to Transform Burnout into THRIVING
Feeling like your job and your life is a chore? - Learn to turn overwhelm into thriving - in your relationship and beyond...

...Using the practical "3 Keys to Turn Burnout into Thriving" guidebook for women leaders of their lives.

This guidebook is personalized for busy executive & rising leaders: be more calm, confident, and mentally clear as you sustain yourself in your search for your partner - without the overwhelm!
Free Resource and/or Free 30 min coaching call
Download this free resource to get you on your way to losing the midlife inflammation and bloat.  This guide will give you easy tips to implement and get started.

Giveaway #2
Schedule your free 30 minute coaching call to start your journey on getting healthy and strong in midlife.
10 Tips for Dating Yourself
You are the only person that you’ll spend every minute of every day of your life with, so you might as well become your own best friend! Since it can feel uncomfortable for some of us to be alone with ourselves, this easy guide offers 10 Tips for Dating Yourself PLUS 10 great dates to get you started on a relationship with yourself that you will love!
10 Tips for Dating Yourself
You are the only person that you’ll spend every minute of every day of your life with, so you might as well become your own best friend! Since it can feel uncomfortable for some of us to be alone with ourselves, this easy guide offers 10 Tips for Dating Yourself PLUS 10 great dates to get you started on a relationship with yourself that you will love!
9 Activators Report to Symptom Freedom
Discover the 9 Activators that trigger healing from thyroid, anxiety, digestive, pain, hormone, and autoimmune issues... all without meds, tons of supplements, or years of talk therapy!

Imagine being free from hair loss, bloating, migraines, belly fat, and aches so you can travel, socialize, and pursue your passions!

Your body was designed to heal! Find out how!
Self- Healing Somatic Intelligence Meditation
For all of you who would like to experience more pleasure and connection to your somatic intelligence, please enjoy this ‘free’ guided audio meditation. Discover the unique pathways into your own self-healing love, safety and intimacy. Learn how to participate in resolving and integrating any triggers around your self-worth. We explore through breath, sound, touch as well as shifting your inner climate to one of Eros such that you can discover the depths of your authentic self, your true value and unique power!
Self- Healing Somatic Intelligence Meditation
For all of you who would like to experience more pleasure and connection to your somatic intelligence, please enjoy this ‘free’ guided audio meditation. Discover the unique pathways into your own self-healing love, safety and intimacy. Learn how to participate in resolving and integrating any triggers around your self-worth. We explore through breath, sound, touch as well as shifting your inner climate to one of Eros such that you can discover the depths of your authentic self, your true value and unique power!
3 Keys to Reduce Inflammation and Feel Your Best
In this mini-course, you'll learn about overlooked causes that lead to body inflammation and frustrating symptoms. You'll learn practical steps you can take to reduce inflammation in your body so you can feel your best. You CAN feel better!
3 Keys to Vitality + Freedom for Body+Mind
In this on-demand, 3-part workshop series, you'll learn why & how embodied practice is so valuable for healing & awakening to our fullest experience of life. Merging ancient practice + modern science, this series will expand how you see & utilize movement meditation & embodied awareness as a resource for balance, presence, resilience & wholeness in body+mind+soul.
3 Keys to Vitality + Freedom for Body+Mind
In this on-demand, 3-part workshop series, you'll learn why & how embodied practice is so valuable for healing & awakening to our fullest experience of life. Merging ancient practice + modern science, this series will expand how you see & utilize movement meditation & embodied awareness as a resource for balance, presence, resilience & wholeness in body+mind+soul.
Holding Guided Meditation
This 1000+ year old meditation helps you quickly dissolve persistent emotional and physical blocks to healing and awakening. Join tens of thousands of people around the world who are expanding their abilities to manifest their Divine desires with this ancient and proven feminine practice.
Calm and Focused Communication & Support Guide
YOU have the power to make conversations safer, more connected, and more satisfying, BEFORE you even start to talk.
We have what you need in our FREE guide "Calm and Connected Communication & Support," beginning with all 5 quick tips on what to think through BEFORE you say anything at all. To be sure you know just where to start, take the Couples Communication Quiz. You'll discover your Communication Zone, the best next steps for you and your partner, and the FREE 8 page guide.
Calm and Focused Communication & Support Guide
YOU have the power to make conversations safer, more connected, and more satisfying, BEFORE you even start to talk.
We have what you need in our FREE guide "Calm and Connected Communication & Support," beginning with all 5 quick tips on what to think through BEFORE you say anything at all. To be sure you know just where to start, take the Couples Communication Quiz. You'll discover your Communication Zone, the best next steps for you and your partner, and the FREE 8 page guide.
  Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating  
Are you tired of the emotional roller coaster that comes with emotional eating? Say goodbye to the guilt, shame, and endless cycles of overindulgence.
This transformative course is designed to address the root causes of emotional eating and provides you with the tools and strategies to heal and break free from this destructive pattern.
Reclaim your relationship with food, find balance, and nurture your well-being.
Break Through Fear and Open To love Again! 
Do you find yourself giving up or not believing love is possible?

It’s time to LOVE AGAIN! Join me, Love Coach Junie Moon, for a 2-hour dive deep masterclass to break through limiting beliefs about starting over and help you open your heart to Next Level Love.

Join in for a FREE VIRTUAL
Master Class!
Break Through Fear and Open To love Again! 
Do you find yourself giving up or not believing love is possible?

It’s time to LOVE AGAIN! Join me, Love Coach Junie Moon, for a 2-hour dive deep masterclass to break through limiting beliefs about starting over and help you open your heart to Next Level Love.

Join in for a FREE VIRTUAL
Master Class!

Midlife Love Out Loud supports single women to have a magnificent second act in their love life. Offering powerful, uplifting conversations with top relationship coaches, healers, dating experts, spiritual mentors and sacred sexuality leaders, women get to claim this precious life stage in authentic, delicious ways. There are reasons love seems so elusive and difficult.This podcast will give you the love map necessary to call in Next Level Love.
Midlife Love Out Loud supports single women to have a magnificent second act in their love life. Offering powerful, uplifting conversations with top relationship coaches, healers, dating experts, spiritual mentors and sacred sexuality leaders, women get to claim this precious life stage in authentic, delicious ways. There are reasons love seems so elusive and difficult.This podcast will give you the love map necessary to call in Next Level Love.
Copyright © 2024 Junie Moon | All Rights Reserved